Monday, October 03, 2005

Time floats

A timeless float.
The sun drives us under.
When was the last time.
We did forget pain, did not worry.
Did time stood still, while we knew it never will.
The art is without end and life is short.
I’ll come back to you even if. . . . .
The music is drifting . . . .

Is it?

McGuinn did it

In the sixties I'm was a fan of the Byrds. Well actually I'm still a fan. As I'm writing now The Notorious Byrd Brothers play on the background. So why don't I start in the sixties and seventies. But don't fret. I'm going contemporary.
I wasn't intending to do a blog but just this sunday afternoon I read a blog by Roger and thought: "If this old horse from the sixties can do it, why can't I? So here I go.