Monday, October 30, 2006

My first and last 35mm film camera

Minolta 7s.
It was a great camera. I bought it in a time when SLRs where very expensive and digital cameras non-existence. This was a camera that could be upgraded by buying a new film.
When I first used it, it was about 4 mega pixels. I barely had enough money to buy a East German ORWO slide film. My film scanner shows nothing but grain over 4 mega pixel.
The last time I used it with a Ektachrome E100G. I squeezed 10 mega pixel out of it.
Not bad for a camera that's 30 years old.

Voigtlander Bessa-L
And this is my last camera. In between there were lots of SLR's.
I never used this Bessa-L that much. Around 2001/2002 the digital camera's over took them all.

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