Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Haven't been blogging the last 6 days. Why? The flu got me. Not as bad as this story. If i lived a century earlier I probably wasn't here to tell the tale. Here another "nice" link.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dutch election 2006

What an election it was here in the Netherlands. It was a non-issue election.

No discussion about our troops in Afghanistan, global warming or a discussion about the problems in the Dutch “banlieus” .

Dutch TV really put the icing on the cake by putting on TV the most cramped, bourgeois, confined, petty, petty-bourgeois, narrow minded, parochial, provincial, narrow-mindedness, lower-middle-class* etc. boring presenter of Holland. I hate her small-town appearance and I hate these no-brainer elections.


*thanks to interglot

Monday, November 20, 2006

The weekend

It goes to fast there a to many parties.

Friends are discussing who to vote for next Wednesday. I really don't know and those who say they do ..........

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Heineken - home of the stars!

And it's Pink 6 and 7 December.
Most of you will know where it is and all you smart internet tigers will find out within 30 seconds.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

An inconvenient truth

It's hard to believe global warming is here. Outside our office is a tree that colours brilliantly red each year. We're in this office 6 years now and it looks like the tree adds and extra week each year before it's finally drops it's leaves. It's now 16 november and I'll bet next week there are still some leaves left. Global warming? No way? Well the tree tells us different. I showed a part of the the tree yesterday. Here is the tree with yesterdays paper. It's mid November!!!
Go and check out an inconvenient truth.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Media connect inferno

Slim, Twonky and whatsitsname server. Media connect. You name it and I wasted a great deal of my free time on them the passed week. So no nice pictures. Yes I'm a fool and should be going out more. Well here it is. Autumn nice red leaves. Outside my office.

Inside my home it's a media disaster zone. The SLA 5520 Philips, nice for internet radio but very picky when you got a lot of mp3s on your server.

A black Iomega Network HDD. Nice manual guys, oh boy does it states crystal clear how to share music files (this is ironic) and "Hey, it's getting a bit warm. Anybody with a spare hair dryer? The customers won't notice the jet-engine noise until they're home. Yep that's Iomega for you.

My own server contraption really works and makes no noise. Why am a such a sucker? Why did I buy this stuff?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Good PR for rail

What are they thinking?
Next to the A1 the rail people parked a burned out train.
They're trying to get the people out of their car and into the train. Well all the folks who are stuck in the traffic jam each day sure are gonne take the train.
New slogan: ride us and burn less.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Total mess

No way out. This week first our visit to Haarlem. After that been busy with porting our website into a content management system. Hopefully everyone will be, after this, busy writing and producing content. So even at home my desk is a mess. While I'm busy with our site, I'm listening to an internet radio, downloading an old seventies album, burning a backup disc, on my desk is my watch, my voice recorder, 256meg ram, a penlight charger, old glasses, extern hdd casing and so on and so on. Downstairs my son is playing a new version of "Where only making plans for Nigel". I'm glad they're recycling these old song at least I know the words but apart from that I think I'm going crazy.

I sincerely apologize for the fact that I haven had the time to make a real nice photo.
We must stop meeting like this!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Haarlem, urban renewal or old times

What shall it be? An old centre or a futuristic urban renewal site? Both pictures are taken in Haarlem (near Amsterdam in Hollland).

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nightdrive home

Another night on the road. Everywhere there's light. Everywhere we are burning fuel. Tomorrow I 'll ....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Look Ma, no hands! Architecture in Holland

Second day in Amsterdam-West. It a strange kind of hobby the architects have in Holland. The trend is that they're outbidding each other with building over air, other buildings, water and so on. It's kind of kindergarten here. Look Ma, no hands. Look Ma, it doesn't touch the ground. Like yesterday . I bring you more samples of this phenomenon.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oklahama, Amsterdam-West

Today I had to take a survey in this building.
"Would you like to come in?" A friendly invitation I had to decline. I'm afraid of heights. No solid ground under my feet make me feel very uneasy. The last time I let myself endure that sensation was on la Grand Arche de la Defense in Paris.

The elevator delivered me in the middle and in no-time I was on one of the "solid" sides.