Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Media connect inferno

Slim, Twonky and whatsitsname server. Media connect. You name it and I wasted a great deal of my free time on them the passed week. So no nice pictures. Yes I'm a fool and should be going out more. Well here it is. Autumn nice red leaves. Outside my office.

Inside my home it's a media disaster zone. The SLA 5520 Philips, nice for internet radio but very picky when you got a lot of mp3s on your server.

A black Iomega Network HDD. Nice manual guys, oh boy does it states crystal clear how to share music files (this is ironic) and "Hey, it's getting a bit warm. Anybody with a spare hair dryer? The customers won't notice the jet-engine noise until they're home. Yep that's Iomega for you.

My own server contraption really works and makes no noise. Why am a such a sucker? Why did I buy this stuff?

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